Many of you, I'm sure, have ventured down the path of setting your new years resolution. I hear people, and myself, say; I resolve to do this, and I resolve to do that - often in very vague terms. How many of you have sat down and worked to turn your resoluation in a S.M.A.R.T. goal? This year I resolve to make my resolution a S.M.A.R.T. goal - that's right a resolution about resolutions!
Because I have let myself lose sight of being healthy, I resolve to:
S - Specific - I will lose weight
- I could say get healthy, but I'm honing in on one factor of healthy, specifically my weight.
M - Measurable - I will lose 60lbs
- weight is an easily measurable format so I chose to use that as my form of measure - I could also go with a percentage of current weight, but I'm chosing to go with specific weight.
A - Attainable - 60lbs seems like a lot, but if you think about it that's only 5lbs a month, 1.25lbs a week
- I also know that it's attainable because I had once lost 120lbs on WeightWatchers - I've signed back up to do the online program with @WeightWatchers and am finding the accountability factor to be a great starting point this year - see my previous success story.
- I know that I probably should lose about 100lbs to be in the normal BMI range. But, given the time frame I'm giving myself it is important to set a realistic target.
- Without a timeframe I have nothing to measure where I'm at and get a sense of my progress.
I put this out there to challenge my friends to work to shape their resolutions into something tangeable. Vague resolutions often fail, S.M.A.R.T. goals often prevail.
I also put this out there because through joint accountability we can all be successful. I will share my successes and failures and hope that those that care about me will help celebrate with me and keep me going in my path to achieve this resolution.
Lastly - remember that when setting goals it is important to make them challenging enough to push you along. The road will get bumpy at times but "take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves."
Cheers and Happy New Year.
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