So I have a spare moment to catch my breath here at our annual AIMHO conference - the strange thing it is only day one :-). The full conference has been in full swing since about 5pm last night, but just in that short amount of time I've been nothing but impressed with how much the people around me continue to help move me forward. It doesn't take much to find joy in what I do, but it is continually enhance by the interactions I have with others - they continue to inspire me on a daily basis. Last night I got the chance to meet my new AIMHO Mentee (Sarah Horn from Washington State University - a little NWACUHO action!!!). I've been blessed with outstanding AIMHO Mentees in my time working with the program (@mrvic85 and @shawnbrackett) and I look forward to learning just as much from my new Mentee as she will from me (maybe a bit presumptious, but I like to think I've learned the art of fully harnessing the AIMHO Mentee program).
The other form of inspiration has come in listening to our outstanding ACUHOI President, and AIMHO Sage, Jill Eckardt share words of wisdom with us. Her words were too good to keep to myself so I wanted to share them with all of you so that you too can be inspired by her vision and leadership:
10) The little things do count
9) Be visible
8) You are not too good to do any job
7) It's ok to look foolish and have fun on the job
6) Take time for yourself
5) Keep learning and growing
4) Be passionate about your job; if you're not - get it back or leave (LOVE THIS)
3) Be nice and courteous to all:
2) Remember it's all about your students
1) Try new things and take risks: I want you to make new, bigger and better mistakes.
Thanks to my outstanding friends and colleagues in AIMHO for continuing to inspire me and I look forward the rest of our time here in Coeur d'Alene.